Remote Oil Filter Mount, Accepts Chevy V8 type spin-on oil filters. Flow direction: inlet right side, outlet left side
Excellent choice for dry sump oiling systems or wherever installation...
Oil Filter Adapter, SBC, for plumbing a Remote Oil Cooler for wet sump oiling systems. Lowers oil filter by 1-1/2", has 1/2" NPT inlet and outlet ports
Mounts in spin-on oil filter pocket, between...
MSD boots are designed with longevity in mind. Each boot provides excellent heat resistance as well as maximum protection against spark loss.
Custom fit for make and model listed.
Wires are precut...
Set includes terminals for engines with early type (socket) and late type (HEI "spark plug top") distributor caps. 90° boots and terminals factory installed on one end. Routing spark plug wires is an...